“Bodi Insurance” JSC is one of Mongolia’s oldest insurance companies, operating continuously for 29 years since its establishment in 1995. It was founded by the resolution of the 154th Meeting of Shareholders of Bodi International LLC on February 5, 1995. Throughout its history, “Bodi Insurance” JSC has played a significant role in strengthening and developing Mongolia’s insurance sector, which has become a key pillar of the financial market during the country’s transition period. The company has not only become a leading insurance provider in the market but has also been selected as the exclusive representative of the world’s No. 1 insurance company, “AXA Group.” Through this partnership, “Bodi Insurance” successfully introduced international health insurance to the Mongolian market, tailoring these services to the specific health characteristics and financial capabilities of Mongolians. Today, “Bodi Insurance” has evolved into a publicly traded company with qualified personnel who drive industry trends and innovations. The company is a pioneer in key sectors such as infrastructure, energy, construction, mining, and health, all of which are critical to Mongolia’s economic and social development. Its operations extend across the country, with services available in 21 aimags (provinces), 330 soums, and through 22 branches, employing over 150 staff members and 200 representatives. Supported by electronic sales platforms, insurance brokers, and banking infrastructure, the company operates a comprehensive nationwide network.
On February 5, “EBH Bodi Insurance” LLC was established. Began operations with health insurance services for travelers abroad. Opened its first branch in the Sukhbaatar District.
By introducing the international quality management standard ISO 9001:2015 to the insurance industry for the first time, we have reduced inefficient costs, improved products and services, and reduced the average time for compensation settlement. Being selected as the sole representative of the world's leading No. 1 insurance group, AXA, we have been able to sustainably introduce international health insurance to the Mongolian insurance market, adapting it to the health characteristics and financial capabilities of Mongolian people. We develop insurance products and services specifically to meet the needs, requirements, and desires of our customers, in accordance with their lifestyles and the specifics of their businesses.
2030 он гэхэд Хонконгийн хөрөнгийн биржийн 2-р самбарт бүртгэлтэй, Азид өрсөлдөгч санхүүгийн цогц хамгаалалт үзүүлэгч компани болно
харилцагчаа халамжлан сэтгэл хангалуун байлгахын төлөө нөөц боломжийг бүрэн ашиглна
Мэргэжлийн ёс зүйг эрхэмлэн, ур чадвараа дайчлан, олон улсын түвшинд ажиллана
Шинийг санаачилж, бүтээмжтэй, багаар ажиллана
Хамтийн хүчээр санхүүгийн нөөц бүрдүүлж харилцагч бүр ирээдүйгээ төлөвлөхөд тусалж. түүнд учирч болох эрсдэлээс хамгаалах хүчирхэг санхүүгийн компани эрсдэлийн зөвлөх байх болно
Бүх түвшинд нягт нямбай, хариулагатай, нээлттэй байна.
Урт хугацааны тогтвортой, хамтын хөгжлийг эрхэмлэнэ.